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District/Lodge Instructor

PM Lawrence W. Huston, Jr.,33°

Greetings, Brethren

ATSML #16, we offer members the opportunity to submit a range of article types as it pertains to the Enlightenment for the Craft. Please ensure that anything you submit is sent to the Lodge Secretary and SD Huston will review it for the Worshipful Master to approval.

There's an array of Myths, Legends, and Controversial subject matter. Our goal is to provide legitimate facts and transparency.  Provide wholesome instruction monthly to the Lodge per the (Grand Lodge Curriculum and other support as needed) and Coordinate with the Worshipful Master to provide educational information and training.

May I recommend  our MWUGL 

M.W. Walter Gulley Jr. University of Instruction. 

Due to COVID19 the University of Instruction is postpone until there is a return to normalcy.

Masonic Education 

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Social Impact of Prince Hall Freemasonry in D.C., 1825-1900 

by Hon. Brother Alonzo Tehuti Evans, FPS

Brother Tehuti Evans is a member of Redemption Lodge No. 24 MWPHGLDC. He is currently Secretary (and Past Master) of the David A. McWilliams Sr. Research and Education Lodge and also Grand Historian and Archivist for the Grand Lodge and Secretary and Keeper of the Seal and Archives for Jonathan Davis Consistory No. 1, ASSR,S.J., PHA.

Evans studied at Howard University, Federal City College, the University of the District of Columbia and Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts where he pursued his doctoral studies.

Evans is a well traveled veteran of the Air Force where he was a military engineer and a decorated Vietnam War veteran.

Hon. Brother Alton G. Roundtree, FPS The Phylaxis Editor

A fantastic interview of prolific Masonic Author Alton Roundtree, as we explore his newest book on the History of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge for the District of Columbia, his magazine editorship experience and endeavors, and more! With a special appearance by fellow 

Joseph E. Lee Lecture (Virtual) by the MWUGL Foundation, Inc.

Joseph E. Lee Lecture (Virtual) by the MWUGL Foundation, Inc. of the Most Ancient and Honorable Fraternity, Free and Accepted Masons, State of Florida and Belize, Central America and Jurisdiction, Incorporated. Prince Hall Affiliated. Founded 1870.

The Honorable Jeffery G. Jones, 19th Most Worshipful Grand Master


The Phylaxis Society is a membership society that consists of free and accepted masons who have a desire to receive and disperse masonic knowledge—“masonic light.” The organization was created by Prince Hall Masons and is partial toward dispersing light about Prince Hall and the network of masons that derive from The African Lodge of Boston, Massachusetts going back to 1775. These masons are predominantly African-American. Active membership in the Phylaxis Society is open, however, to any freemason who is a member of a grand lodge recognized by the Prince Hall Conference of Grand Masters or recognized by the United Grand Lodge of England—the premier grand lodge.

The principal organ of the Society is The Phylaxis Magazine, said by some to be the finest Masonic publication in Prince Hall masonry. The magazine is available to members and to anyone who has an interest in the Phylaxis Society or in Prince Hall Masonry in general. Anyone who wishes to pursue active membership should begin by signing up for a Magazine Subscription and follow up by submitting your Membership Application. The Phylaxis Society has evolved into a diverse, international organization dedicated to studying the life of Prince Hall and to researching the history of Prince Hall Freemasonry. The Society also seeks to create a bond of union for Masonic writers and to educate Universal Freemasonry about Prince Hall Freemasonry. The Society has become the leader in its field, encouraging Prince Hall Masonic Study and stimulating the writing of accurate and interesting articles for publication. In this manner it fosters the close, human relationship that is the ideal of Freemasonry.

The Society operates under the administration of Our Officers and a board of directors elected biannually by our active members. It is not affiliated with any particular masonic grand ledge or other masonic body. Although it consists only of freemasons, it is not a masonic lodge, it does not bring non-masons into the masonic order, and it is in no way interferes with the legislative and ritualistic affairs of any masonic body.

The word PHYLAXIS is pronounced fil-lak-sis. Phyl is Greek for tribe, clan, race, and is akin to the Greek word 'phyein' which means to bring forth - more to be. PHYLAXIS means to guard and preserve. Symbolically we interpret it as to bring forth more light in masonry, and to guard the Prince Hall fraternity against its enemies using truth to preserve our masonic heritage.

The Phylaxis magazine is one of the finest publications in all of Freemasonry. Subscribers will find it interesting and informative masonic reading. Members also are provided an opportunity to make literary contributions to the magazine.

Notes, queries and information of masonic interest: space will be devoted in various issues of The Phylaxis magazine to special Masonic studies, masonic curios, items of special interest concerning masonic history, biography, etc., and other unusual masonic data as listed, with the request that members of the society who have additional information on any of these topics communicate with the members who present the original item. This leads to many valuable and interesting personal contacts and often to lasting friendships.


•   Certificate of Literature. Each year the member who writes the article judged to be a masterpiece, published in The Phylaxis magazine during the year, is awarded the "Certificate of Literature." This award not only encourages better writing, but adds incentive for more research into Prince Hall masonry.
•   Ira S. Holder, Sr F.P.S. Certificate of Literature is awarded to those who write masterpieces on Prince Hall Freemasonry, and are not members of the Prince Hall fraternity.
•   Jno. G. Lewis, Jr F.P.S. Medal of Excellence is awarded annually to the most outstanding Master Mason in Prince Hall Freemasonry.
•   Dr. Charles H. Wesley, F.P.S. Medal of History is awarded annually for the best written article on Prince Hall Masonic History.
•   Lux e Tenebris Research Chapter is a unique chapter that researches all aspects of freemasonry and publishes its transaction of papers written by and critiqued by its members.
•   Phylaxis Masonic Hall of Fame honors regular Freemasons of the past who have contributed outstanding service to Prince Hall Freemasonry.
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