Most Worshipful, Dr. Anthony T. Stafford Sr.
17th Past Grand Master
Most Worshipful Union Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of
Florida Belize, Central America and Jurisdiction, Inc. PHA
Anthony T. Stafford Sr. was born to the late Lillie Ann Stafford Peeples in 1963 in the city of Leesburg, Florida; He is the oldest of five boys. He is married to Althea and is the Father of three sons, Anthony Jr. 39, Timothe 33, and Troy 30. He is a member of Hurst Chapel A.M.E. Church, Riviera Beach, Florida where he is serving as Church Treasurer. Bro. Stafford credits all his blessings to a loving Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ, who has always been on his side. Bro. Stafford currently resides in Westlake, Florida. He is a graduate of Leesburg Senior High School, Class of 1981, and a graduate of Florida State University, Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminology. He served as a Combat Engineer Officer in the United States Army and Army Reserve, completing his obligation with the rank of Captain. After 33 years of law enforcement duty, twelve with the Florida Highway Patrol as a Trooper and twenty-one with the Bureau of Arson and Explosion as the District Lieutenant, in 2018 he retired.
Past Grand Master Stafford began his Masonic travels in March 1984 in Leesburg, Florida, where he was raised a Master Mason in Palestine Lodge #30. He became a Companion of the Holy Royal Arch Masons in 1987, a Prince in the Consistory in 1990, a Noble of the Mystic Shrine in 1992, a Knight Templar Mason in 1998 and a Peer, receiving the honorary Thirty-third Degree in the S.J. Bennett Class of 1999. Bro. Stafford has held the following leadership positions in the Masonic Order: Worshipful Master 1997-1999, Illustrious Potentate 1997-1998, Excellent High Priest 1999, Commander-in-Chief 2000-2002, District #2 Grand Instructor 1996-2003, Grand Historian 1995-2004, Junior Grand Warden 2003-2004, and Senior Grand Warden 2004 – 2009, Deputy Grand Master 2009-2010. In April 2010, he was elected to the highest office in Prince Hall Masonry, the Office of Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Jurisdiction of Florida, Belize, Central America and Its Territories, serving from April 2010 thru April 2015, as the 17th Most Worshipful Grand Master. A tenure that Masonic Scholars have called awesome, remarkable and highly productive! In April 2011, Past Grand Master Stafford was elevated to “Active” status in the United Supreme Council as a Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Thirty-third and Last Degree. He is a proud member of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated, Lambda Alpha Alpha Chapter, Delray Beach. Florida. He currently serves as the Deputy for the Orient of Florida, Florida Council of Deliberation, United Supreme Council, Scottish Rite Freemasonry, SJ, appointed in July 2013. In May 2018, Brother Stafford received an Honorary Doctorate Degree from Jacksonville Theological Seminary! In 2018, he was elected as Grand Minister of State for the United Supreme Council, SJ, PHA and in 2021, he was appointed the Lieutenant Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council, SJ, PHA.
Dr. Stafford has been major part of maintaining a loving spirit and continued growth of Prince Hall Masonry in the Jurisdiction of Florida and throughout the Southern Jurisdiction for the past 37 years. His ability to lead Brothers and Sisters has been spotlighted by the many awards and acknowledgements he has received. He was labeled as “A Master Mason’s Kind Of Grand Master” and was named “Deputy of the Year” by the United Supreme Council in 2014-2015 year. Due to his willingness to listen and receive input from the members; his willingness to work and provide a sweet, sweet spirit wherever he goes, he is highly respected and recognized in all his travels. The work he has done, the respect and love he is shown throughout the forty-six Prince Hall Masonic Jurisdictions speaks loud and clear that the Lord blessed him with the leadership and motivation skills to lead. May the Lord continue to bless him in all of his endeavors!